BBC Ideas
BBC: The Nipple is Taboo
Sentio Space, in collaboration with documentary company WhatLarks!, was approached to tell one of the first stories on the new BBC Ideas platform, all about how the nipple has been perceived throughout history.
Sentio Space, in collaboration with documentary company WhatLarks!, was approached to tell one of the first stories on the new BBC Ideas platform, all about how the nipple has been perceived throughout history.
Communicating with clarity and sensibility through online channels is now a defining feature of effective educational institutions. Animation is an increasingly popular route, as it allows diverse characters and multiple locations to be realised without the need of film crews and location scouts. Identities can be concealed when sensitivity is required. And it is at home with younger audiences.
Explaining how biofuel is changing the fuel landscape
Go to storyExplaining the philosophy behind an alternative approach to education
Go to storyAnimated video update shared with alumni around the world
Go to storyA short story about the impact of a scholarship on students at Surrey University
Go to storyAnimated documentary for the BBC Ideas educational platform
Go to storyVisual essay for Alain de Botton's School of Life
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